Private Label Hemp CBD Skincare and Cannabis CBD Skincare


What is the difference between CBD Oil and Hemp Tein Z NPNF® ?

Both of them are from Cannabaceae family of plants.

CBD Oil extracted from the whole Cannabis Sativa plant, which is Oil soluble with High levels of CBD, low THC.

Hemp Tein Z NPNF® extracted from the seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Hemp oil is made only from hemp seeds via cold pressing15. We recycle the biomass from oil extraction to create Hemp Tein Z NPNF®. It is Organically sourced and Water soluble, CBD & THC free.

Cannabis contains more THC, and less CBD. Hemp contains more CBD and less THC. However, the benefits of CBD do not change whether it is cannabis-derived CBD or hemp-derived CBD.

The main difference between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD is their legal status. Products made from plants that have higher levels of THC are not legal under this statute. However, it is important to note that all CBD products must have less than 0.3% THC. 

Most CBD products are made from hemp plants as they contain far more CBD and almost no THC, which is the compound that creates the “amazing benefit”.

Studies of Hemp Tein Z NPNF® and it’s Benefit

Decrease in skin scaliness twice daily application for 14 DAYS, 2% in formulation. Hemp Tein Z NPNF® drastically reduces flaky skin and dryness for more hydrated & brighter looking skin.

Improvement in skin homogeneity twice daily application for 14 DAYS, 2% in formulation. Hemp Tein Z NPNF® increases moisturization and boosts uniformity for a more vibrant & rejuvenated appearance.

Improvement in skin moisturization twice daily application for 14 DAYS, 2% in formulation. Hemp Tein Z NPNF® enhances skin moisturization & hydration to maintain a healthy & balanced condition

Reduction in wrinkle depth & width twice daily application for 14 DAYS, 2% in formulation. Hemp Tein Z NPNF® reduces skin roughness for smoother, softer & more uniform skin.

Provide the Full Products Line for CBD Skincare

Ventures Cosmetic has professional lab team can support you to make your own CBD Facial Cleanser, CBD Goat Milk Body Cream, CBD Body Lotion, CBD Facial Oil, CBD Facial Mask, Hemp facial Mask, CBD Facial Cream, CBD Facial Moisturizer. CBD Essence Toner. We will create your own formula of CBD Skincare Collection. Start your private label CBD Skincare, OEM Hemp Skincare now. All kind of skincare products we can offer and support LOW MOQ.

Data source from & TRI-K Hemp Tein Z NPNF®.